8 ways the University of Chichester is saving the world

The University of Chichester has been ranked in the the UK’s top 5 most environmentally-friendly universities after reducing our carbon emissions by more than 1,200 tonnes in the last decade.
The University has;
- Saved 1,224 metric tonnes of CO2 since 2007 (that’s the equivalent of burning nearly 1.5 million pounds (lbs) or 680,000kg of coal!)
- Cut notional energy emissions by 52%
- Reduced our carbon footprint by a third (despite increasing building floor space by 50% in 10 years
- JUMP awards scheme Since October 2014, we have been running a fun sustainability and well-being scheme which enables all staff and students to earn points for ‘good behaviour’. The scheme has been developed in partnership with a company called Green Rewards and you can earn points by positive actions such as exercising, energy saving and recycling!
- The Green Campus GroupSince 2007, the Green Campus Group is open to all students and staff to join who are interested in environment and sustainable development. The group meets 4 times a year and is involved in running green events/projects!
- Fairtrade status for 10 years We have achieved this through the food and drinks served in the Otters Restaurant and items including SU Clothing in The Shop.
- Reusable cup discountWhen buying hot drinks, you can save 20p by bringing in a reusable cup at our on campus Costa, Starbucks and Otters Restaurant.
- Recyclable food boxesThe Otters Restaurant serves takeaway meals in recyclable food boxes.
- Free intercampus shuttle busWith a student card, you can use our U7 and U8 bus services to travel between campuses and off-campus accommodation to reduce car use.
- Cycle to work schemeWe encourage staff and students to cycle to work to decrease car use and increase exercise! There are cycle lanes across Chichester and Bognor, cycle paths on campus and secure on campus bike storages. We even have a free Bike Clinic!
- University vans are electricWe have electric chargers on campus specifically for our University vans!