How to balance work and studies
Having a part-time job whilst at University can be great, especially with balancing your finances as a student. Lots of students take up part-time work, whether it be work experience for their CV or to cover the bills before Student Finance comes in. However, it can be a lot balancing you studies and working, so here are some top tips to help you balance your workload.
Working a job that is flexible
Having a job that is flexible is good because you can pick up or drop hours depending on your needs. Some weeks you may be busier at university, and some weeks may be quieter, it’s important to have a flexible job.
It’s also a good idea to reduce your working hours during the assessment/exam period, so your studies can be your sole focus.
Working less than 15-20 hours a week
It can be tempting to want to work more to earn more, but ultimately it can lead to you being tired or burnt out. Remember, your health and well-being are a priority, so having that extra time to yourself is important.
Working over the holidays
One of the many positives to university life is that the holidays breaks are long, especially over the summer period. This means you can work while you’re not at university and save up money to keep you going during term time.
Make sure you’re organised
University assignments, a job and your social life can be tricky to balance. Keeping organised can be useful to not feel overwhelmed and know what you’re doing each day. A weekly planner is a good tool to write the days you have lectures and when you’re working.
If you’re ever struggling with money, or would like some advice, Chichester University has a great Student Money team who can help with issues such as budgeting and money management, any problems with your Student Finance funding and much more.
They can be contacted via
Careers & Employability Service
Chichester University also offers and invaluable (and FREE!) Careers and Employability Service. Whether you want, CV advice, careers support, or anything employment related, the careers team are on hand to advise and support you.
Careers Fairs
The university also hosts careers fairs on both campuses which is a great way to explore the employability opportunities in the local Chichester and Bognor Regis areas.