Home News Honorary Graduates 2024: Professor Colin Hills

Honorary Graduates 2024: Professor Colin Hills

The University of Chichester has recognised Professor Colin Hills, the inventor of CO2 mineralisation technology, as an Honorary Doctor of Science. Professor Hills’ invention of the world-first CO2 mineralisation technology – Accelerated Carbonation Technology (ACT) – enables industrial waste to be used in construction. ACT was commercialised by carbon8, co-founded by Professor Hills and Dr Paula Carey. In 2017 carbon8 received the Queen’s Award for Enterprise-Innovation.

Professor Hills studied geology at Queen Mary, London and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College. His PhD and post-doctoral research involved waste stabilisation/solidification. He joined the University of Greenwich in 1999 and received a Chair in Environment and Materials Engineering in 2014.

Professor Hills has published widely including guidance on stabilisation/solidification for the UK and USA, and the UN Pan-European Global Environment Outlook-6 and Sustainable Cities Report. He is an invited Expert to the UN Basel Convention Think Tank for the Asia and the Pacific (Waste and Environmental Management) and is currently developing a White Paper on CO2 mineralisation for the Indian Government.

Professor Hills said: “Receiving this award is an absolute privilege and an honour. It’s not always that hard work is recognised with an award like this and it gives a strong signal to those who follow in our footsteps. Chichester is a beautiful city and it’s a pleasure to join so many students celebrating today. The most important piece of advice I can give them is to remember that your life is not mapped out. Make the most of the opportunities that come along.”



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