Home News University urges Chichester to continue donating to the city’s foodbank

University urges Chichester to continue donating to the city’s foodbank

CHICHESTER must not forget the importance of the city’s foodbank.

That was the message from the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Chichester who visited the centre this week to deliver a cheque worth hundreds of pounds. It comes after the foodbank reported that a sharp rise in the number of people using the service across the region, including in Chichester and rural locations such as Selsey, Midhurst, and Petworth.

The money was raised at the University’s Christmas carol concert, which was attended by hundreds of people in the Cathedral before the festive holiday.

On handing over the £306 donation, Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane Longmore said: “The University profoundly values its community, and we are delighted that this small contribution will support the foodbank’s important work.

“The foodbank provides a vital service for those in our area who are less advantaged, and it’s a service becoming more in-demand each year. We at the University will continue supporting it and we urge those across Chichester to continue donating food and goods if they are able to.”

The foodbank, on Orchard Street, feeds around 2,000 people each year – a figure which has risen sharply in the last year, according to leader Joanne Kondabeka. The former Bishop Luffa teacher established the charity as a part-time project in 2012 and has seen it grow year-on-year due to high demand.

She said: “Since 2019 we have seen an increase in foodbank use by 33% – this is largely because of the implementation of Universal Credit. It’s the five-week wait that people have to wait for their benefits to come through which can be challenging for someone on a low wage.”

The foodbank helps people in crisis – including those facing homelessness, domestic violence, or mental health concerns – by providing up three food parcels in six months. But it also helps to feed 570 schoolchildren in the region, who receive pack lunches during the summer holidays to ensure they do not go hungry when away from the classroom.

Mrs Kondabeka added: “We are incredibly grateful to the University of Chichester for the donation, which will make a difference to someone’s life.

“We’re looking for people to help us with our supermarket collections, because it’s difficult transporting the amount of food we require. We’re always short on sponge puddings and tinned meat – they are really good essentials that last a long time, but they can be expensive, so would welcome any donations.”

For more about the Chichester Foodbank visit www.chichesterdistrict.foodbank.org.uk.

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