Home People Dr Karen Chandler

Dr Karen Chandler

Senior Lecturer and Practice Learning Leads in Nursing

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Dr Karen Chandler is the Practice Lead in the School of Nursing and Allied Health. She has an extensive career as a nurse educator and practitioner, holding various senior positions in university and clinical practice. Karen is passionate about designing and supporting nursing and allied health programmes, she has a particular focus on working with healthcare providers to ensure education produces competent, compassionate and skilled practitioners to meet current and future workforce needs.

Karen is a registered adult and child nurse and has spent most of her career in intensive and emergency care of children. She continues to practice in the speciality of paediatric emergency care.

Karen was awarded a Doctor of Education in 2023, her focus was on consistency and fairness of fitness to practise processes in nurse education. She is using the findings of her research to influence policy change at a national level and has presented her findings nationally and internationally.


Karen is a member of the Nursing Midwifery Council, is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Council of Deans Regulatory Committee. 

She has also been a member of various professional groups including the Pan London Practice Learning Group collaborating with universities across London to improve consistency in practice education. This included design and approval of the Pan London and All England nursing practice assessment documents.  

Karen has represented higher education at a national level working with the Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations Boards in the revision and evaluation of compulsory education and how they prepare students for higher education. She has also been involved with a number of Knowledge Transfer Partnership initiatives sharing good practice across professional boundaries to influence student performance and experience. 

Karen is passionate about fair access to higher education, she has been involved in various initiatives supporting students to have the skills and confidence for transitioning to higher education. 


  • Educational Doctorate-Thesis – A Systematic Literature Review of the Inconsistency of Fitness to Practise Processes in Undergraduate Nurse Education. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19007.93601 
  • Ooms, A., Howard, L., Crighton, E., Ryan, N., Price, J.E., Francois, J., Gale, J. & Chandler, K. (2022, October). Nursing Students’ Experiences of their Clinical Placement during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom. Poster presented at the 8th International Nurse Education Conference 2022, Sitges, Spain.  
  • Ooms, A., Howard, L., Crighton, E., Ryan, N., Price, J.E., Francois, J., Gale, J. & Chandler, K  (2022) The Moral Distress of Students on Placement During Covid 19 Pandemic (2 papers due for publication in 2022).
  • Chandler, K (2020) Who can support you on placements? In Elcock (2020) How to Succeed on Placements. Learning Matters. Sage Publishing. ISBN 978-1-52646997-7.  
  • Chandler, K., Marks, Marran, D. (2020) The Political changes in Higher Education and the impact on Nurse Education in the UK. Oral Presentation at Kingston University Higher Education Conference, 2020.  
  • Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations. (2019) Diversity in Nurse Education. Oral Presentation at University of Cambridge, UK. 
  • Aim Higher (2014) First Destination to Higher Education. Oral Presentation Aim Higher Conference, London 
  • Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations. (2015) Changes in funding in nurse Education and career opportunities. Oral Presentation, Kingston University Nurse Education Conference, London, 2015. 
  • Ofqual (2012) Fit for Purpose? The view of the higher education sector, teachers and employers on the suitability of A levels.  
  • Chandler, K., Narramore, N. (2013) The Impact on Core Skills using Simulation in first-year pre-registration nursing students in the UK. International Simulation Oral Presentation, HSPN Conference, San Francisco-2013. 
  • Aim Higher (2010) Entry to Nurse Education from diverse routes of education. Oral presentation, Aim Higher Conference, London. 
  • Chandler, K, Ewing, G, Kelsey, J (2007) Emergency care for the critically ill or seriously injured child in Cleaver and Webb (2007) Emergency care of Children and Young People (8). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. ISBN 978-1-4051-0110-3 
  • Chandler, K, Hoskins, R. (2007) Paediatric Resuscitation in Cleaver and Webb (2007) Emergency care of Children and Young People (9) Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. ISBN 978-1-4051-0110-3

International Conference Presentations

  • Ooms, A., Howard, L., Crighton, E., Ryan, N., Price, J.E., Francois, J., Gale, J. & Chandler, K. (2022, October). Nursing Students’ Experiences of their Clinical Placement during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United Kingdom. Poster presented at the 8th International Nurse Education Conference 2022, Sitges, Spain. 
  • Chandler, K., Narramore, N. (2013) The Impact on Core Skills using Simulation in first-year pre-registration nursing students in the UK. International Simulation Oral Presentation, HSPN World Conference, San Francisco-2013. 

Other department members

Carole Perry
Carole Perry
Nursing Administrator
Clarie Hilton
Clarie Hilton
Department Administrator
Dr Nita Muir
Head of the School of Nursing and Allied Health

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