Dudley Graham
Senior Lecturer in Research Methods and Statistics

I am a senior lecturer in research methods and statistics for sport and exercise sciences programmes. I module coordinate all undergraduate BSc Sport and Exercise research methods modules including SPL130 Scientific Inquiry in Sport and Exercise, SPL110 Research Methods for Sports Therapy and SPL201 Researching Sport and Exercise. This involves the planning, coordination and admiration of all teaching on those modules.
Alongside my teaching role I am one of the Institute of Sports timetable coordinators, with responsibility for the organisation of BSc programmes timetables. The role involves the planning and coordination.
- 2006, MSc Sport and Exercise Science (Biomechanics), University of Chichester
- 2005, BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science, University College of Chichester
- 2000, BSc (Hons) Business Economics with Computing, University of Surrey
Member of:
- British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)
- ECB Coaching Association.
Key Publications
Edited books:
Hale, B. & Graham, D. (2012). Quantitative approaches. In Research Methods in Physical Education and Youth Sport (edited by K. Armour & D. Macdonald), pp.95-105. London: Routledge
Hale, B, Hudson, P & Graham, D. (2014). Review of Scoping of Developing Mathematics and Statistics Skills in Undergraduates. Commissioned report for Higher Education Academy.
Kearney, P., Figgins, S., Leggett, P. & Graham, D. (2017). Unpublished report for England and Wales Cricket Board on Self-Regulation of players during Winter Coaching
My research interests centre on cricket, both in terms of improving sports performance and minimising injury bowling and how any intervention could/should be managed in the coaching process. My research regarding the coaching process includes consideration of talent identification processes and development of players within cricket.