Vicky Davis
Senior Lecturer in Sports Therapy
Vicky is the programme coordinator for Sports Therapy.
Vicky started teaching at the University of Chichester in 2003 having been a sports therapist in Portsmouth running a private clinic.
She has worked in professional and semi-professional football and with many elite athletes from a variety of different sports.
Vicky enjoys sailing, snowboading and mountain biking.
2000 – BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy, University of North London
Human Anatomy
This modules aims to introduce the students to the musculo-skeletal system of the human in context of its functional activity during everyday life and sporting activities. This module also aims to analyse the movement parameters of the principal musculo-skeletal zones of the body. The students will develop palpatory skills and analyse joint movement. They will investigate the muscles involved in simple limb and trunk activity.
Sports Injury Management 2 (Double Module)
This module aims to build upon the knowledge and techniques developed in Sports Injury Management 1 and provide the student with the knowledge, understanding and ability to provide the safe and effective assessment and management of soft tissue and sport related injuries, whether sustained during training or competition. The module also aims to enable the student to understand the gross structure and function of the human body and the typical pathological responses of the body. It is also aimed to equip the students with signs and symptoms of clinical pathology and understand the mechanisms of disease aetiology. This module will also aim to provide the student with an opportunity to complete a unit of directed study, incorporating a clinical observation of a minimal 35 hours in a clinical environment, relevant to the student’s needs and career aspirations.
Therapeutic and Clinical Electrotherapy
This module will aim to provide the student with the theoretical knowledge and practical expertise to apply Ultrasound, TENS, Interferential and LASER safely and effectively. It will equipe the student with the clinical reasoning regarding the implementation of these modalities. It will also investigate the research regarding the usage of these modalities.
Vicky is the programme coordinator for Sports Therapy which involves, administrative duties to support the Subject Area, sitting on meetings to discuss and develop programmes, and programme administration within the subject area.
Vicky’s researching interests include electrotherapy, manual therapy and the assessment of movement and function.
Vicky is a member of The Society of Sports Therapis