Europe Specific Entry Requirements
If you haven’t quite met the entry requirements for direct entry onto an undergraduate or postgraduate degree programme, the University of Chichester offers an International Foundation in Business and a 1- or 2-semester Pre-Masters.
These international pathway programmes, on successful completion, offer progression onto a selection of, respectively, undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses at the University of Chichester. Details here.
You can choose one of the following routes:
International Foundation Year (Business, Computing and Engineering)
International Year One (Business, Computing)
Pre Masters (Business, Computing)
Specific Countries
The dropdowns below contain the requirements per country
- Students taking the Dëftesë Pjekurie (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
- Diplomë e Maturës Shtetërore (Diploma of State Matura) to successfully complete an international foundation year or equivalent.
Diplomë e Nivelit të Pare (First Level (University) Diploma). With grade 8 / Tetë
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
Successful Completion of year 12, including the Araratian Baccalaureate, graded as per A Levels (B,C,C etc) at Extended Level.
Specialist Diploma (pre 2011), Bachelor Degree (post 2004) Or Masters Degree with grades 70% or GPA 3.0 out of 4.0.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Reifeprufung / Matura when awarded by a Allgemeinbildende Hohere Schule. An overall graqde of 2.6 is considered equivalent to CCC at A Level. A Level grade equivalents would be: A - 1 / B - 2 / C - 3
- The subject of English may be considered comparable to GCSE grades A*-C / 9-4 provided a mark of Gut / 2 has been obtained.
- Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur (CESS)
- Diploma van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs
- Abschlusszeugnis der sekundären Oberstufe when awarded after 6 years of study with a predicted or final year overall average grade with 12/20, 5/10 or 60%.
Since 1971, various marking schemes have been used. The most common are scales of 1 to 10 and 1 to 20. However, note that the new Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Supérieur, awarded from 1993/1994 in Wallonia, has no mark or grade written on it.
The Licence/ Licenciaat/ Maîtrise or Bachelor's (since 2004) with 60%, 12/20 or avec satisfaction
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Matura / Svjedodžba o Zavrženoj Srednjoj Skoli (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) showing an overall score of 3.4
- BA / BSci / Diplomirani (bachelor’s Degree)
- A Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja (Advanced Diploma of Higher Education) (2nd level degree obtained on completion of a four to six-year course) showing a minimum GPA of 65%, 3/5 or 8/10
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Диплома за Cредно Oбразование (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) normally with an average of 5.0
- 4 year Bachelor degree showing the award of “Dobur” or above.
- Can also consider Professional Bachelor and Diploma of Completed Higher Education.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Svjedodžba o Maturi (when awarded after four years of secondary-level study) with a mark of between 3.6 and 4.0, depending on the programme applied for.
A Baccaleureus or Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja (2nd level degree, 4 to 6 years) with an average minimum mark of 3.25 – 3.5 out of 5 on the 5 point grading scale
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Apolytirion 16.5 - 17 out of 20.
- Bachelor degree (4 years, from HEI)
- A Ptychion (4 years, from University of Cyprus) with 6.5 out of 10 or GPA of 3.0
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Maturitni Zkouška / Maturita or a Vysvedcení o Maturitní Zkoušce at 2.6 or better (depending on programme applied for).
Bachelor (Bakalar) showing an average minimum award of “good” (2, C, dobre).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- 7 or above in the Studentereksamen / Hojere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) / Hojere Handelseksamen (HHX) / Hojere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX).
- A 5 year Bachelor, Candidatus Philosophiae, Diplomingenior (formerly Teknikumingenior)
- Professionsbachelor with an overall mark of 7out of 12.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Gumnaasiumi Loputunnistus (High School Leaving Certificate) and achieve at least 65% in three subjects in the Riigieksamid (State examinations)
A good grade in the Bakalaurusekraad (started after 2005) showing a final average minimum mark of 61% (D).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Successful completion of the Ylioppilastutkinto / Studentexamen (matriculation examination) with an overall score of at least 4 out of 7 (C)
Kandidaatti showing an average minimum mark of 3.0 out of 4 (good).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- 11 or above in the Baccalauréat (le bac) or the Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (International Option of the French Baccalaureate or OIB).
- AAB 14
- ABB 14
- BBB 13
- BBC 12
- BCC 12
- CCC 11
- A three-year Licence (post-2008) Diplôme d'Ingénieur, Diplôme from an Ecole Superieure de Commerce / Gestion / Politique
- Maîtrise at 11 or better (depending on the programme applied for).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
2.6 in the Abitur.
- 4 year Bachelor Fachhochschuldiplom (Diplom (FH)) Magister Artium / Diplom / Erstes Staatsexamen (First State Examination)
- Bachelor degree/diploma certificate showing a minimum GPA of 3.0 (Befriedigend).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- A minimum 16 in the Apolytirio of Lykeio (Apolytirion).
- Ptychion (Bachelor degree) awarded by an AEI or TEI showing a final average minimum mark of 6.5/10 or 13/20.
- For American Universities use USA
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Érettségi Bizonyítvány / Matura (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) with a final grade of 3 or above.
- Alapfokozat / Egyetemi Oklevel showing a minimum average GPA of 3.51 out of 5 (Jo), or 3 out of 5 (Kozepes) depending on the grading scale.
- Foiskola Oklevel showing a minimum average GPA of 4 out of 5.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Stúdentspróf / Matriculation certificate (from Gymnasium or a Technical/Vocational School) Grade 6 overall
Baccalaurreatus degree (minimum 3 years study) or Kandidatsprof/Candidatus Magisterii showing a final average minimum award of a 2nd class , 6.0 / 10 or 60%.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- We require an Irish Leaving Certificate passed at Higher / Honours level H3, H4, H4, H4, H4, H4 or C1 C1 C1 C2 C3
Bachelor's Honours degree with 2:2 or above
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve
- Diploma di Esame di Stato with a grade of 65 or better (depending om programme applied for).
Diploma di Laurea or Licenza di Accademia di Belle Arti with a score of 80 out of 110 or better (depending on the programme applied for).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Atestās par Vispārējo vidējo izglītību with an average of grade 7 in at least 12 subjects, two of which must be at advanced level (profilkurss)
- Four year Bakalauras (awarded since 2003) o
- A Professional Bachelor degree showing a minimum final grade of C / 6 out of 10 or better
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Brandos Atestatas plus 2 state examinations with a minimum grade 75%.
- Grade 8 in English Language state exam.
4 year Bachelor degree / Bakalauras showing an average minimum award of 7 out of 10 or a Magistra.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Diplôme de Fin d'Etudes Secondaires when awarded at the end of the three years comprising secondary school with Assez Bien / 35
- Bachelor’s degree (when started after 2003) from the University of Luxembourg
- Diplôme d'Ingénieur Industriel with 14/20 (Bien) or 35/55 (Satisfaisant)
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Secondary School Leaving Diploma or the Matura with 3.4 out of 5.
- Bachelor degree with an average minimum overall grade of 7 out of 10
- Visoko Obrazovanja (second-level degree obtained on completion of a four- to six-year course) with an average minimum overall grade of 6.5 out of 10
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Advanced Matriculation Certificate
- The Matriculation Certificate Examination from the University of Malta at Grade C overall
- Four year Honours bachelor degree certificate and final transcript, showing the minimum award of a 2.2.
- Four year Bachelor degree (general) certificate and final transcript, showing a minimum final average mark of 1st class (80%).
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Diploma de Bacalaureat (Baccalaureate Diploma) with 7
Diploma de Licenta with an average minumum mark of 7 out of 10 or 14 out of 20.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) with 7.0
Bachelor degree/HBO certificate/doctoral certificate showing an average minimum score of 7 out of 10.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Vitnemål for Videregående opplæring with 3/6.
Bachelor degree, Magisterii, Sivilingenior or Sivilokonom degree showing an average minimum GPA of C.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Matura with at least 60% overall with at least two subjects at extended level at 65% or better.
Bachelor degree (Licencjat/Inzynier) showing an average minimum award of C, (4 or Good) or better depending on the programme applied to.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Diploma de Ensino Secundario (previously Certidão do Décimo Segundo (12 Ano) with a minimum 14/20.
Licenciado/Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) showing an average minimum award of 14 out of 20 or better depending on the programme applied to.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Pass the Romanian Diploma de Bacalaureat with an overall grade of 7 or above.
4 year Bachelors Degree - Diplomã de Licentã Diplomã Inginer Diplomã de Arhitect showing an average minimum award of 6.0.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Diploma o položenom završnom ispitu (Diploma of Completed Final Examination)
- A Diploma o položenom maturskom ispitu (Secondary School Leaving Diploma)
- A Diploma o stecenom srednem obrazovanju (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) with C or 3.4
- Diplom Visokog Obrazovanja (second-level degree obtained on completion of a four to six-year course)
- Diplomirani showing an average minimum score of 7.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate) / Maturitná skúška with a final grade of 3 (dobrý) or above.
- Magister (Masters) degree showing a final average GPA of 2.5
- D. Bakalár (Bachelor degree) with a final grade of C or 2 (dobre) or above.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- 20 points overall, including all subjects at 3 or above from the Matura Spricevalo as equivalent to CCC
- Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (University Degree), Diplomant (Professionally oriented first-cycle degree)
- Univerzitetni diplomant (6 year academically With a minimum pass-mark of 7.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- 6.5 or better in the Título de Bachillerato.
6 or better out of 10 in the Título Universitario Oficial de Graduado or Licenciado
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Avgångsbetyg/Slutbetyg från Gymnasieskola / Högskoleförberedande examen with grade C or 15
Kandidatexamen showing a minimum of Pass (godkänd) 60/100 with 120 credits.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Certificat de Maturité / Kantonales Maturitätszeugnis / Maturität with 4.0 overall
- Out of 10 (NOT Glion Institute of HE – see below) Diplom/Lizentiat showing a final minimum average mark of 6 out of 10. Out of 6 Diplom/Lizentiat showing a minimum final average mark of 4.0 out of 6.
- Bachelor degree (Hons) showing a minimum final score of 7 out of 10.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Devlet Lise Diplomasi (State High School diploma)
- International Foundation Programme.
We may consider direct entry from certain elite schools.
- Bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi/Muhendis Diplomasi) from Tier 1 & 2 universities with GPA 2.4 out of 4.0.
- Bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi/Muhendis Diplomasi) from Tier 3 & 4 universities with GPA 2.6 out of 4.0.
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.
- Devlet Lise Diplomasi
- One year at a recognised university in Cyprus or a recognised international foundation year
- Bachelor degree (Lisans Diplomasi/Muhendis Diplomasi) with GPA 3.0 out of 4.0.
- Girne American University – see USA requirements
MPhil or PhD
The normal requirement for an MPhil is a good honours degree (First or Upper-Second class) or a relevant Masters degree. For a PhD the normal entry requirement is an MPhil.
Chichester runs a Pre-PhD Research Study Programme whereby applicants register for six tutorials at low cost in order to carry out various feasibility studies, including some testing of interest, materials, methods and resolve.