Why I chose to go back to University to study Physiotherapy

At several stages in my life I have had physio interventions. None more important than the aftermath of a 10 week hospital stay where I’d temporarily lost the use of my legs. While the doctors found out why this happened, without the physiotherapists I would not be anywhere near the position I am now. They gave me back my life and having that impact for someone must be so rewarding. I’d like to be able to help people the way I have been helped and hopefully make a difference to someone’s life.
I choose the University of Chichester whilst I was in lockdown, I trusted the virtual tours and open days. I trusted my gut feeling when I was interviewed by my lecturer for the course. It is a really lovely University in a fantastic part to the world. It is a very understated place; the facilities are excellent, the staff are really friendly, everything is at your fingertips – I don’t know what more you’d need!
I feel physiotherapy is unlike most other courses- you are training from the off to do your job, it isn’t just about getting that pass at the end of the year and walking away with a degree. You don’t need to know all the biology and anatomy in the beginning- but you just need to want to learn about it. It has already been a really rewarding course and the lectures and students around all want to help. If you want to do it, if you want to go down a very diverse, evolving and most importantly rewarding career… I’d look at becoming a Physio with the University of Chichester!
The best feature about the course is the contact time- the practical hands on aspect is really interesting. The course staff are really personable and knowledgeable- they make you want to know that little bit more.
I have joined the University having done 5 years in the Army and been 7 years out of education. The course I am on has 1/3 as mature students with all different backgrounds. I never thought when I joined the Army that I would ever need a degree, and for what I was doing, I didn’t. I am so happy that I made the choice to come to university though- to find a subject that I want to immerse myself for 3 years and beyond, it doesn’t always happen straight after school! With all that is going on, I think there is no better time for those that want a change in career to look at what they really enjoy doing, and maybe spend 3 years studying it!
I’d either love to go back into the Army as a Professionally Qualified Officer or look to go more into the sporting realm- with the possibility of going abroad. I know several countries such as NZ take physiotherapists as a desired job.
Xander Smail Woodford, first year BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy student