Home Courses English and Creative Writing BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Screenwriting

BA (Hons) Creative Writing and Screenwriting

Develop your creative voice for both the page and screen

Develop your creative voice for both the page and screen

3 years full time
Bishop Otter and Bognor Regis campuses
  • Learn to write novels, poetry, screenplays, non-fiction as well as for the screen
  • Collaborate with Digital Film Production students to see your screenplays come to life
  • Learn from practicing and published writers
  • Smaller class sizes for better learning
Student working in a classroom


in the UK for student satisfaction in Creative Writing

Complete University Guide 2025

Top 20

UK university for Creative Writing

Guardian University Guide 2025


in the UK for student satisfaction in English

Complete University Guide 2025


in the UK for student satisfaction in Creative Writing

Complete University Guide 2025

Top 20

UK university for Creative Writing

Guardian University Guide 2025


in the UK for student satisfaction in English

Complete University Guide 2025


Develop your skills as a writer for both the page and the screen

This degree gives you skills in creative writing alongside an in-depth understanding of writing for the screen.

You will have the opportunity to learn, and then specialise in, a wide-range of creative writing disciplines including: fiction, novels, screenplays and creative non-fiction.

In addition, you will study the various forms and processes of screenwriting. from initial outlines through to fully realised film and TV scripts.

You will learn from our team of practising and published poets, novelists and screenwriters, who will help develop your skills and support your learning.

On this course you will:

  • Study the craft of writing short fiction, poetry, novels and creative non-fiction.
  • Gain an in-depth knowledge of the various disciplines and processes of writing for the screen.
  • Learn from our expert team of published writers and leading academics.
  • Collaborate with Digital Film Production students to see your screenplays come to life.
  • Meet and talk with agents and editors at our annual publishing panel.

The Course

Deepen your creative writing practice and develop your screenwriting interests

Year One

In your first year, you will learn to tap into your own experience and engage with the wider world for creative material. You will also begin to examine the foundations of screenplay writing.

Year Two

In your second year, you will explore poetry, short fiction, life writing, flash fiction and writing for children. In addition, you will develop your screenwriting knowledge and skills for various screen mediums, including film, TV and interactive entertainment.

Year Three

Your studies will culminate in your dissertation project undertaken in your final year.

Alongside this, you will deepen your practice of creative writing and screenwriting through modules that allow you to begin to branch out and develop your specific interests.


This list is indicative and subject to change. You will be able to select either a dissertation in creative writing or in screenwriting.

Select a year

Creating Characters

This module introduces you to the basics of creating credible characters.

The module will prompt you to make artistic decisions about the history of your characters, the setting and time of your characters’ lives, character motivation and perspective.

Foundations of Screenwriting

This module explores some key concepts of story and screenwriting theory, as you focus on the cultivation of early relationships between story, character, structure and plot.

As part of this process, you will be introduced to some of the processes used in the creation of original screen-works through the development of initial story ideas.

You will also be introduced to some of the history and theory of screenwriting as you consider screenwriting as a craft, gain vital awareness of how screenwriting works in the industry and develop transferable skills in creativity and critical analysis.


Introduction to Writing Poetry

This module introduces you to the practice of writing poetry. You will focus on working in a variety of forms and voices, which explore imaginative territories and poetic processes.

Introduction to Writing Short Fiction

This module will build on skills and techniques acquired throughout your first semester, such as:

  • concrete imagery
  • writerly research
  • notebook gatherings
  • reflections on developing creative work.

You will encounter a variety of forms and voices in a range of examples from traditional and contemporary sources in both British and international short fiction.

Screenwriting Structure

This module explores the importance of structure during the screenwriting process. You will consider the multitude of choices when considering how to identify, control and utilise structure when writing screenplays.

Source and Exploration

The module will train your observation skills. You will learn to apply the world around you to inform your creative processes. You will also learn the value of the ‘concrete’ as opposed to the ‘abstract’ and discover how the ordinary can become extraordinary.

Creative Non-Fiction: Writing Lives

This module introduces you to the versatile genre of creative non-fiction, in which writers employ skills transported from fiction to lend dramatic complexity to factual narratives.

Using autobiographical material as a base, you will generate dramatic scenes on a variety of topics and themes.

Creative Writing Non-Fiction: Writing Place

You will examine and experiment as writers in three genres:

  1. travel writing
  2. ‘the new nature writing’
  3. psychogeography.

Over the course of the module, you will undertake three assignments, one in each genre. In so doing, you will develop a nuanced understanding of non-fiction as a literary form. These ‘assignments’ will also extend your professional skills of research, drafting and presentation.

Creative Writing: Poetry, Form and Freedom

This module will enable you to develop a variety of sophisticated traditional poetic forms and to develop experimental free verse poems within a reflective contemporary poetic practice.

Fairy Tales: Early Modern to Postmodern

Gain an informed historical and critical perspective on a powerful literary and cultural tradition beginning with the fairy tales written in early modern Italy, continuing through Perrault, D’Aulnoy, Grimm, Andersen to the work of more contemporary authors such as Angela Carter and Margaret Atwood. It also asks where we can turn to for modern fairy tales, through a focus on the use of fairy tale tropes in the work of J.K Rowling and Philip Pullman.

Fiction for Children

This module introduces you to writing fiction for children.

The module will extend and deepen your key writing skills as you learn to pay particular attention to such things as suitable and age-specific subject matter, appropriate language, a more active narration, faster pacing and the demands of greater immediacy.

From ‘Angry Young Men’ to Cool Britannia?: A Historical Analysis of British Cultural Activity After 1945

This module provides you with an opportunity to analyse examples of British cultural activity after 1945 within their artistic, political, and historical contexts.

The module discusses a series of key movements of cultural production, for example, ‘the Angry Young Men’; ‘Cold War fictions’; or ‘Thatcherism/responses to Thatcherism’.

Poetry: 1300 to the Present

The module aims to develop your understanding of rhythm, rhyme, free verse, diction, particular verbal effects, timbre, tone and voice. It will encourage awareness of the centrality of genre to a wide range of poetic practice from the Renaissance to the present day.

Work Placement

This double module provides invaluable experience working as a performance analyst within a sporting organisation. It will enable you to foster an acute understanding of how performance analysis is used within sport, offer insight into organisational culture, develop essential professional knowledge and skills, facilitate reflective practice, and develop a network of professional contacts.

Writing for Games

This module examines the role of the screenwriter in the development of narrative based computer games.

You will explore the role the screenwriter plays in developing characters, dialogue and worldbuilding.

You will also be introduced to the debates around narrative vs Ludology and the tensions created between story and play.

Writing for the Screen

This module introduces you to the craft of writing a short cinematic screenplay.

The module focuses on the building blocks of screenwriting, with a focus on:

  • visual storytelling
  • plot (using treatments and step outlines)
  • scene-building
  • research skills
  • characterisation
  • setting
  • sound
  • struggle
  • movement
  • layout.

You will experience the collaborative nature of screenwriting, and explore the role of the screenwriter within the broader institutional framework of the industry.

Writing the TV Bible

This module introduces you to the process of development when creating a long form TV drama series.

Throughout the module, you will contribute to the creation of a drama TV ‘bible’, a package of materials that is used to inform writers, producers and directors of a show’s particular production criteria. The module will give you the opportunity to explore the industrial context of such documents and how to generate story ideas for such shows. It aims to develop transferable skills in packaging and selling creative work.

Included in the bible there will be individual episode outline documents. These will be exclusively developed by individuals within the group and will form a percentage of the overall personal final grade.

Writing the TV Script

This module aims to introduce you to the process of development when creating a long form drama script.

Taking an original idea from concept to final draft, sessions will explore structure, style, theme and character, with attention to format. Emphasis on strong dialogue will be a key element to script development, whilst the difference between story and plot will be explored.

The importance of a ‘pilot’ episode will be recognised and what elements must be included when establishing a show’s selling point. You will also discover key pitching ideas on how to promote their script.

British Culture Wars

This module explores conflict within British culture from the start of the 19th century to the turn of the new millennium.

You will consider the reaction to obscene publications and other literary controversies and moral panics of Victorian Britain, through to the liberal reforms in the 1960s and the self-censorship and the baleful influence of Hollywood on British cinema.

Contemporary Short Fiction: Writing the Here and Now

This module will enable you to explore, as active writers and readers, the strategies, innovations and preoccupations of contemporary writers of the short story. You will read and analyse the craft, technique and rigour of three to four highly regarded short story collections from the last 15 years.

Final Major Project: Screenwriting

This dissertation level project allows you to utilise and build on the practical skills and subject knowledge developed in years one and two. It aims to give you the opportunity to work as autonomous writers, deepening and enhancing your knowledge and understanding of your chosen subject.

There is a choice of a feature film script (90 pages), TV script (50 pages) and pitch, or a games pitch package.

The Cultural History of Death

This module explores how literary representations of the historical and social treatment of the dead presents a vivid insight into the cultural behaviour, ideology and social order of different cultural and historical contexts.

You will explore the beliefs and attitudes towards the dead within literature from the Middles Ages through to more contemporary examples and debates.

Writing Flash Fiction

‘Flash Fiction’ is an exciting new way of telling stories. By composing their own portfolio of very short fiction, you will be challenged to see the form from the inside, and to focus upon the creative challenges that are unique to ‘flash fiction’. These challenges will be brought into additional focus by workshops that require critical reflection upon the evolving work.

Writing, Environment and Ecocriticism

This module will offer you the opportunity to explore the ways in which contemporary writers and critics engage with images, issues and concepts of the environment in novels, poetry and non-fiction. You will choose whether you wish to engage with the themes of the module as a critic or a creative writer.


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Teaching and Assessment

Learn from practising screenwriters and published writers


Our team of experienced tutors and experts use the latest research to underlie their teaching. This ensures that you have access to the latest techniques and practices in both creative writing and screenwriting.

Much of our teaching takes place in small groups. Within these classes, you will typically discuss good writing practice and workshop your own writing.

Our commitment to smaller class sizes allows you to feel more confident to discuss your ideas in a supportive environment. It also allows your tutors get to know you and how best to aid your development.


Modules are assessed at every stage of the course, allowing you to clearly see your academic progress.

Creative writing modules are predominately assessed through portfolios of work.

Your screenwriting modules will be assessed in a number of innovative and professional-relevant ways, including:

  • Script drafting and redrafting
  • Presentations
  • Reflective essays
  • Essays on relevant practices or film studies.
  • Work shopping in groups.

Work Placements

Develop your skills within a work environment

The Work Placement module allows you to develop your skills in a work environment and gain vital experience to put you ahead in your future career of choice.

This allows you to gain experience in, for example, a workplace such as a local newspaper or as a writer-in-residence. You will then use the skills you have learnt on your course in order to reflect critically on the world of work.

Guest Speakers

Gain unique insight into the creative writing industry

Guest writers

The University boasts a blossoming writing culture and community, with regular book launches and conferences.

We also run special events with renowned creative writers. You can use these as opportunities to learn more from those with critical insight into the industry.

Some renowned authors to have visited the University in recent years include:

  • Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy
  • Matthew Sweeney
  • Helen Dunmore
  • Jo Shapcott
  • Sarah Hall
  • Bernardine Evaristo
  • Vicki Feaver
  • Sarah Hall
  • Kate Mosse
  • Alison MacLeod
  • John McCullough.

Screenwriting industry insight

Each year we welcome film professionals to the University to hold talks for our students as part of the ‘The Depart. Of Creative & Digital Technologies Presents…’ series.

We have had a wide range of people from different fields including directors, film producers, actors and screenwriters, most recently:

  • Simon Nelson – Development Executive, BBC Writersroom.
  • John Yorke – Managing Director of Company Pictures, the production company behind hit-shows such as Skins, Shameless and Wolf Hall. Yorke is also the author of the best-selling book ‘Into the Woods: How stories are told and why we tell them’.

Study Abroad

Explore the opportunity to study part of your course abroad

As a student at the University of Chichester, you can explore opportunities to study abroad during your studies to enrich your educational experiences.

It’s a chance to broaden your horizons, a great opportunity to meet new people, undertake further travelling and to immerse yourself within a new culture.

You will be fully supported throughout the process to help find the right destination and institution for you and your course. We can take you through everything that you will need to consider, from visas to financial support, to ensure you get the best out of your time studying abroad.


Open up your future career options

Our Creative Writing and Screenwriting graduates are highly valued by employers for their strong problem solving and communication skills and often continue into a wide range of careers.

Creative writing success

The last few years have shown a fabulous flowering of our Creative Writing students’ work. Many students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level have continued on to become published writers.

Many of our students publish and win prizes. In recent years students have gone on to publish novels, poetry collections, win prizes in major competitions such as the Bridport Prize and have poems and stories in magazines such as The Paris Review and Staple.

Former Chichester Creative Writing student Bethan Roberts has recently had her novel My Policeman adapted for the silver screen in a film staring Harry Styles and Emma Corrin, whilst others have also had work broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

Screenwriting careers

This course is also designed to provide you with the skills and determination needed to succeed within the screenwriting industry.

The skills you will develop during the course will also open up career opportunities outside of screenwriting within a variety of sectors, including:

  • Television
  • Film
  • Radio
  • Advertising
  • Teaching.

Open your career options

Our students go on to an incredibly varied range of careers after university. The skills learnt on our degrees equip students for all sorts of roles in society.

Career paths include:

  • Novelist
  • Publishing
  • Teaching
  • Marketing
  • Journalism
  • Communications and PR
  • Local and national government
  • Copywriting
  • Human resources
  • Youth work.

Postgraduate pathways:

  • MA Creative Writing
  • MA English Literature
  • MA Cultural History
  • PGCEs
  • Postgraduate Research (MPhil/PhD).

University of Chichester alumni who have completed a full undergraduate degree at the University will receive a 15% discount on their postgraduate fees.

Course Costs

Course Fees 2025/26

UK fee
International fee

EU/EEA Fee Reduction Scholarship

EU/EEA students automatically pay the equivalent of UK fees via the EU/EEA Fee Reduction Scholarship

For further details about fees, please see our Tuition Fees page.

For further details about international scholarships, please see our Scholarships page.

To find out about any additional costs on this course, please see our Additional Costs page.

Entry Requirements

Typical Offer (individual offers may vary)

tariff points.
A Levels
BTEC/Cambridge Technical
Access to HE Diploma
28 points
6.0 overall
with no element lower than 5.5.

Contextual offers

We believe everyone deserves an equal opportunity to pursue higher education, regardless of their background.

When we receive your application we consider your personal circumstances and the factors surrounding your achievements to see if you are eligible for a contextual offer. This is an offer with a reduced entry tariff – typically the equivalent of 16 fewer UCAS points (two A-level grades).

Find out more about our contextual offers.


Frequently asked questions

How do I apply?

Click the ‘Apply now’ button to go to relevant UCAS page.

What are UCAS tariff points?

Many qualifications have a UCAS Tariff value. The score depends on the qualification, and the grade you achieved.

How do I know what my UCAS tariff points are?

Head to the UCAS Tariff Points web page where you can find a tariff points calculator that can tell you how much your qualification and grades are worth.

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