Dr Glenn Stone
Head of Teacher Education Programmes

Dr Glenn Stone BA (Hons), MA (Ed), PGCTLHE, EdD, SFHEA is Principal Lecturer with responsibility for all primary and secondary Initial Teacher Education programmes.
Before working at the university, Glenn taught within local schools along the coastal strip of West Sussex and across the Key Stage 2 age range. Since joining the University of Chichester, he has played a pivotal role in developing Initial Teacher Education, in particular the primary provision. He co-ordinates the BA (Hons) Primary Teaching programme, a successful three-year programme but also teaches across programmes within the institute.
Glenn holds a Doctorate in Education that explores how trainee teachers’ understand professionalism within a neo-liberal context. Glenn has a special interest in the training of teachers and their perspectives on school accountability, performativity, professionalism and the impact of organisational cultures on shaping such perspectives.
Key Publications
- Stone, G. (2022) Professionalism in Primary Education, London: Sage
- Stone, G. (2020) ‘Narratives of early career teachers in a changing professional landscape’ in Palgrave Handbook of Auto/biography, London: Palgrave
- Stone, G. and Wilkinson, D. (2019) ‘Getting to grips with grammar alongside some super science!’ Primary Science (157) pp.10-12
- Stone, G. (2018) ‘Why is teacher professionalism important?’ in Carden, C.(ed) Primary Teaching, London:Sage
- Benton, M., Bowie, R., Casson, A., Holt, J. Hulbert, S., James, M., Jarvis, P., McGuire, L., Podesta, E., and Stone, G. (2018) What really matters about teacher education at Cathedrals Group universities and colleges? Project Report. Cathedrals Group / National Institute for Christian Educational Research, Canterbury.
- Stone, G. (2012) Deep and Surface Learning: a dichotomy and dilemma for HE tutors. JOLT (internal UoC publication)
- Stone, G. (2012) Asynchronous Communication as a Stimulus for Synchronous Speaking and Listening, English 4-11 (45)
- Stone, G. (2012) ‘Ethics Values and the Teacher’ in Knowles, G. and Lander, V. (eds) Ethics Values and Primary Education, London: Sage publications
- Stone, G. (2011) The Digital Literacy Classroom, Leicester: UKLA
- Stone, G. (2011) WWW: Wikis, Word Clouds and Web Collaboration to support primary literacy, English 4-11 (41)
- Stone, G. (2011) Virtual Learning Environments as an extension to the classroom reading environment, English 4-11 (43)
Research Output
Stone, G. and Wilkinson, D. (2019) Getting to grips with grammar alongside some super science! Primary Science (157). pp. 10-12. ISSN 0269-2465
Stone, G. (2011) www: Wikis, word clouds and web collaboration to support primary literacy. English 4-11, 41. p. 8.
Book Sections
Stone, G. (2020) Narratives of early career teachers in a changing professional landscape. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Auto/Biography. Palgrave MacMillan, London, pp. 491-513. ISBN 9783030319731 10.1007/978-3-030-31974-8
Stone, G. (2018) Why is teacher professionalism important? In: Primary Teaching: Learning and teaching in primary schools today. Primary Teaching Now . SAGE Publications Ltd, Learning Matters Ltd, London, UK, pp. 205-221. ISBN 9781526436443 1526436442
Benton, M., Bowie, R. A., Casson, A., Holt, J., James, M., Jarvis, P., McGuire, L., Podesta, E., Stone, G. and Hulbert, S. (2018) What really matters about teacher education at Cathedrals Group universities and colleges? Project Report. Cathedrals Group / National Institute for Christian Educational Research, Canterbury. 9781909067837
Conference or Workshop Items
Stone, G. (2018) The shape of Initial Teacher Education in a Christian foundation university. In: Christianity, Education and Changing Contexts, 6-8 July 2018, Liverpool Hope University, UK. (Unpublished)
Stone, G. (2015) 'Organizational' professional learning for performance in primary Initial Teacher Training. In: IPDA International Conference 2015, 27- 28 November 2015, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)
Stone, G. (2022) Professionalism in Primary Teaching. Primary Teaching Now (1). Sage Publications, London. ISBN 9781529761092
Knowles, G., Lander, V., Hawkins, S., Hughes, C., Stone, G., Cooper, L. and Thompson, B. (2012) Thinking Through Ethics and Values in Primary Education. Learning Matters: Thinking Through Education Series . SAGE Publishers, London. ISBN 9780857258571
Stone, G. (2011) The Digital Literacy Classroom. Minibooks, 33 . UK Literacy Association Publications, Leicester. ISBN 9781897638613