Jacques Ding Zee Chien
Lecturer in Work and Organisational Psychology
Jacques is a Lecturer in Work and Organisational Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Business and Human Sciences. Before joining the University of Chichester as a full-time lecturer, he held several research and teaching posts since 2018 while completing his PhD at Aston University.
During this time, he primarily taught Organisational Behaviour across various undergraduate business programmes with the Department of Work and Organisation at Aston Business School. Additionally, he has collaborated with an international team of academics, and continues to do so, working on research areas including leadership and followership, well-being, resource-based theories as well as interpersonal relationships and dynamics in the workplace.
Jacques is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Jacques’ research agenda centres on the co-productive nature of leadership involving both followers and leaders. More specifically, he is interested in impression management tactics performed by leaders and how follower and relational contexts shape their functionality.
In pursuing his empirical investigations, he employs a diverse array of quantitative research methodologies including cross-sectional-, experimental- and experience sampling method (ESM) designs.
Accordingly, he is familiar with a range of quantitative analysis techniques such as regression, ANOVA and multilevel modelling.
Jacques is open to supervising research projects that fall within the subject areas of Organisational Psychology and Behaviour.