5 reasons why you should join a club or society

At the Students’ Union we have an array of Societies and Sports clubs that you can join. Whether it is something you’re passionate about, have a slight interest in or are brand new to – here are the top 5 reasons why you should join one!
- Meet like-minded people – joining a club or society is a great way to meet new people and sometimes your friends for life! You’ll end up meeting those with similar interests to you and is the best way to start your University experience
- Try something new – Sports clubs have the options for students to play competitively or recreationally, whether you have been playing for years or want to start at University – it’s completely your choice. There is no limit to how many clubs and societies that you join either so there’s not stopping you!
- Learn new skills – Whether it’s trying out a new sport, helping organise a society event or speaking to new people; there is a lot of opportunity to learn new skills when you join a club or society.
- You could be running it one day – all clubs and societies are run by student committee’, each society/club every year will hold an AGM to allow members to go one of the committee roles (e.g. President, Fundraising officer, media officer) which means you could implement your ideas and end up running it! It’s also great to put on your CV!
- You get to go to amazing awards do’s at the end of the year! – At the end of Semester 2, the Students’ Union run the Society Awards and Sports Awards which allows you to nominate teams or individuals for awards against other clubs and societies if they have gone above and beyond expectations; who doesn’t love ending the year with celebration?!
Is there a club or society that you’d really like to join but it doesn’t currently exist? Don’t worry! You can create your own club or society by simply speaking the Students’ Union and having a minimum of 3 students to start it up!