Home Courses Teaching BA (Hons) Primary Teaching with Early Years (QTS)
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Shape the minds of children aged 3-7

3 years full time
Bognor Regis Campus


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National Student Survey 2024


in the UK for
teaching on my course

National Student Survey 2024


for primary and secondary teacher education

Ofsted 2023

Top 10

in the UK for
overall positivity

National Student Survey 2024


Qualify as a primary school teacher with the knowledge and skills you need to work with younger children

Our BA (Hons) Primary Teaching with Early Years (QTS) course provides quality training to teach in the 3-7 age range (Nursery, Reception and Key Stages 1) enabling you to graduate as a qualified teacher at the end of your three-year degree.

Learn the art of teaching

You will develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by the teaching profession, as you learn the fundamentals of the national curriculum to fully prepare you for working in primary schools alongside student teachers working on BA (Hons) Primary Teaching.

In addition, you will pursue the advanced study of Early Years, where you will develop deeper knowledge and understanding of pedagogy and practice for teaching younger pupils and how this relates to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.

As a key part of the programme, you will gain vital hands-on experience of working within the classroom through our school experience modules, which develop your confidence and competence to teach effectively.

Outstanding Ofsted provider

The University of Chichester is proud to have received a rating of Outstanding from Ofsted at its inspection this year.

The Ofsted report recognised that “trainees leave very well-placed to continue on their journey towards being aspirational, inspirational and motivational teachers.”

Ofsted Outstanding Provider logo

“…trainees flourish at the University of Chichester and develop into skilled and knowledgeable global citizens.”

“University and school staff support trainees to thrive through their highly effective ‘team around the trainee’ approach.”

“Trainees value the nurturing family ethos at Chichester, with one trainee commenting, ‘they are there to catch you when you fall, but they are also there to stop you falling in the first place’.”

Ofsted Report 2023

Proud history of teacher training

The University of Chichester has been training teachers for over 180 years and we look to train employable professionals who will make a positive difference to children’s education.

You will be taught by experienced primary education specialists and our dedication to small teaching groups allows you to develop strong professional relationships with the University teaching team.

On this course you will:

  • Gain Qualified Teacher Status that will allow you to teach in primary schools in England and Wales.
  • Develop your competence and confidence working within the classroom environment.
  • Gain the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by the teaching profession.
  • Understand the cornerstone of the national curriculum for primary education, as well as un understanding of the EYFS curriculum.

The Course

Learn how to make a difference for children in this crucial stage of their development

As a Primary Teaching with Early Years student, you will learn the early years framework and national curriculum and how to deliver it to young children in exciting and engaging ways.

You will learn the fundamentals of teaching English, maths and science, as well as the key theories of learning development to better understand how to ensure that all children can succeed and thrive in school. You will also learn about the key issues in primary teaching through our professional studies modules.

You will also learn how to teach subjects that form the wider curriculum, including aspects of ICT/computing, PE, modern foreign languages, music, art, history and geography.

As an Early Years student teacher, you will complete a suite of modules in the advanced study of Early Years enabling you to be awarded a BA (Hons) Primary Teaching with Early Years degree.

Our suite of on-campus modules is complemented by modules that will take you into school where you will practise as a student teacher.

Curriculum studies

As part of the programme, you will study curriculum modules that develop your pedagogic and subject knowledge within these areas.

Modules explore each subject within the core curriculum (English, mathematics and science), alongside modules that look at the wider curriculum (music, physical education, art etc.) to provide you with a thorough grounding in the full national curriculum.

The course will equip you to take a critical and reflective view of each subject’s curriculum and pedagogies. You will develop a detailed understanding of the distinctive features of each subject area and explore relevant research concerning children’s learning in that subject.

By linking your learning to school experience, the module will promote the necessary understanding you need to plan, teach and assess the core curriculum effectively.

Professional studies

The modules of professional studies will explore the teaching skills that are required for the classroom, including behaviour for learning, planning for progression and assessing pupils effectively.

You will explore effective inclusive practice and recognise how quality-first teaching can support the progress of all children.

The final professional studies module explores your position as a teacher in the contemporary educational landscape. Through this, you will develop and articulate a personal philosophy of education that has built over the three years.

Advanced Study of Early Years Subject Study

Year One

The specialism module in semester 1 provides a grounding for early years practice. It considers the principles of the EYFS, how these can be embedded in practice and their relevance to KS1 teaching and learning. A visit to an outstanding setting allows for effective theory to practice links.

Year Two

In semester 1, early years student teachers explore the topic of child development and implications for teaching practice. Semester 2 focuses on the concepts of play and pedagogy and their value and place in primary classrooms.

Year Three

Your third year allows you to investigate a topic of your choice related to early years through the final independent project.


This list is indicative and subject to change.

Select a year

Foundations in Primary English

This module introduces you to the content, pedagogical and curricula knowledge, along with the attitudes necessary to be teacher of English in primary and early years settings. In doing so, the module supports you in developing the foundational knowledge required to be a teacher of English.

Through seminar sessions, you will examine good practice in the teaching of reading and writing whilst addressing the statutory requirements of the national curriculum. Strong links will be made between theory and practice, as you explore the value of different texts in school. Integral to the module is an understanding of progression in English and how to teach this through drawing upon the language modes of communication, reading and writing.

Foundations in Primary Mathematics

This module introduces you to the subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and curriculum knowledge that contribute to becoming an outstanding teacher of mathematics in primary and early years settings.

The module will explore how these elements interplay and will draw on your own experience of being a learner of mathematics.  Strong links will be made between relevant theory and current practice, encouraging you to critically evaluate these. The module will provide an opportunity for you to develop your professional understanding of effective approaches to teaching mathematics.

Foundations in Primary Science

This module introduces you to the content, pedagogical and curricula knowledge, along with the attitudes necessary to be teacher of science in primary and early years settings.  The module seeks to develop your understanding of science whilst addressing the statutory requirements of the national curriculum and EYFS.

Good practice in teaching primary and early years curriculum is dependent on well-developed subject knowledge; as such, this module will partially focus on developing your scientific understanding of key concepts. In addition, the module will begin to explore the importance of the interplay between substantive and disciplinary knowledge and science-specific pedagogy in order to enable you to teach practical investigative science.

You will also identify how theory and practice are linked so that they can recognise how research informs practice.  Integral to the module is an understanding of progression.  You will understand the need to create an inclusive learning environment (e.g. will begin to learn how the science capital teaching approach applies to lesson planning).

Strong Foundations in the Wider Curriculum

This module introduces the foundation subjects. You will develop your understanding of the teaching and learning of the range of foundation subjects taught in primary schools.

The module explores the uniqueness of each subject area through drawing upon key literature to emphasise pedagogical underpinnings, subject knowledge and the skills that children need to acquire during the primary and early years.  This module allows you to experience the distinctive challenges and affordances of each subject area.

Learners and Learning

This module focuses on the behaviours and needs of the learner and the implications of this for teachers. It will explore how different conditions for learning are established and how these conditions are influenced by school-based factors, as well as the range of other factors that can inhibit or promote pupils’ ability to learn, including children’s social, physical and cognitive development.

The module sessions, student discussion and reflection, supplemented by school experience, will therefore include reference to current research, including aspects of neuro-science, learning theory from seminal theorists and the observation of learning behaviours and environments in school.

This combination aims to aid the establishment of links between theory and effective practice, as well as highlighting issues regarding children’s holistic development which may impact learning in the classroom.

The module will support the key study skills needed for reading and writing at level 4. It also includes 12 days of school experience enabling you to begin to understand how ‘the teacher as researcher’ can be effective in shaping classroom practice.

Teachers and Teaching

This module supports you in your journey to becoming a teacher. You will be supported in recognising and developing your teacher identity, knowledge, understanding and appreciation of professional roles and responsibilities within professional frameworks.

This module will equip you with the skills, knowledge and organisational structure needed in preparation for your first full-time four-week school experience placement.

School Experience 1

This module will complement university-based studies, particularly the level 4 professional studies content. The module aims to develop your student-teacher confidence and competence in the classroom. You will demonstrate your potential to teach whilst also making the theoretical and evidence-based links to university taught content.

Primary English: Developing and Refining Expertise

This module builds upon the first core module ‘Foundations in Primary English’.  You will extend your substantive, syntactical and pedagogical curriculum knowledge through the exploration of communication, reading and writing.

In doing so, you will learn how to be an effective teacher of English within the context of developing as a professional. You will be asked to articulate a personal philosophy for the effective learning and teaching of English, drawing on current educational research and inspection evidence.

Primary Mathematics: Developing and Refining Expertise

The subject-matter, pedagogical content and curriculum knowledge acquired during the core module in Year One and school placement will be built upon to develop your skills and confidence to plan and teach sequences of mathematics lessons.

Knowledge and understanding of progression and complexity in mathematical learning will be central to the module and supports your ability to respond to and meet differing needs. You will explore strategies that support connections within and between mathematical procedures and concepts in more depth.

The professional use of source material to inform and critique practice will be developed further to include more focused evaluation and support decision making.

Primary Science: Developing and Refining Expertise

This module builds upon the Year One core module ‘Foundations in Primary Science’.  You will be expected to continue to develop your knowledge of less familiar but important concepts in science, and will deepen your understanding of how learners learn and create more complex schemas over time.

In addition to this, there will be an emphasis on developing your ability to know that curriculum design is underpinned by deep understanding of how children learn and utilise key insights from current thinking on cognitive science. You will apply knowledge and understanding of when and how to use models and worked examples in combination with verbal exposition and other strategies (e.g. dual coding and concrete representations).

The module will consolidate the importance of the interplay between substantive and disciplinary knowledge and science-specific pedagogy in order to enable you to teach practical investigative science. You will also identify how theory and practice are linked and recognise how research informs practice.

Integral to the module is an understanding of progression and the importance of building on foundational knowledge. You will embed your knowledge of the importance of access to a rich learning environment through an intersectional approach (e.g. applying the science capital teaching approach when lesson planning).

Wider Curriculum: Developing and Refining Expertise

This module builds upon the Year One mandatory module ‘Foundation Curriculum – Good Foundations’. You will continue to develop your substantive and pedagogical knowledge of foundation subjects throughout the module through discussions and engagement in personal reading and research.

The module will enable you to develop coherent learning sequences in the foundation curriculum in the primary and early years.  You will consider how to adapt, develop and deepen learner’s knowledge in each of the foundation subjects. Drawing on current educational research and inspection evidence in the foundation subjects, you will critically reflect upon the effectiveness of approaches used.

The Inclusive Classroom

This module aims to enable you to develop and refine your understanding of the principles of equality and inclusivity. This understanding can then be applied to the primary classroom. You will explore key legislation, critically reflect on effective practice and consider the multiple barriers that children can face as they move through their primary schooling. Key concepts, such as ‘intersectionality’ will be explored within the context of current thinking and practice in primary schools.

Professional Language and Practice

This module is designed to develop your understanding of the relationship between quality first teaching and pupil outcomes. It builds upon previous professional studies modules.

After completing this module you will understand the centrality of language as a tool for behaviour, pedagogy, assessment and professional behaviours. The link between theory and practice will be foregrounded as you use key research ideas from the module to reflect upon your own and others’ teaching.

School Experience 2

You will complete whole class teaching for a range of primary subjects across this placement.  You will be expected to plan for, assess and evaluate your lessons as you develop your skills as a teacher.

By the end of this placement, you will be regularly planning for and teaching the whole class, carefully reflecting upon your practice to identify the way in which your teaching skills are developing and the impact of your teaching upon the pupils learning experiences.

During the course of the placement, you will have to demonstrate a competent level of subject and pedagogical knowledge with respect to the subjects you teach. You must also demonstrate an awareness of inclusion issues and begin to demonstrate an ability to plan and assess for a range of needs in the classroom (as appropriate to the placement).

Global Citizenship for Primary Teaching

This module builds on the principles of the ‘Global Citizen’ dimension from the ‘Vision of a Chichester Teacher’ met through other modules.

It aims to support you in understanding the relationship between global issues and the role of the primary teacher in helping children make sense of these.

In doing so, it will draw upon statutory guidance, non-statutory guidance and ambitious objectives from international, national and local frameworks (e.g. national curriculum and UN sustainable development goals).

You will refine your understanding of social justice and injustice, equality and diversity and realise the interconnected nature of local and global policies, actions and events (inc. those that are natural, political and social).

Professionalism in Primary Teaching

This module aims to develop you as a professional and consider your own professional values, attitudes, behaviours and approaches within the current educational landscape.

In this module, you will develop a critical approach when considering what is needed to support teachers to become effective professionals.

You will analyse what it means to engender appropriate pedagogies and classroom cultures in school within national and local frameworks.

You will analyse how teachers build effective and authentic relationships with the school community and the impact of that. You will also analyse the key aspects of social justice education that support and reflect teachers’ positions as professionals.

Professional Enrichment

This module aims to develop your skills and confidence in your professional world.

To do so, it aims to engage you in effective professional development within an area of interest relevant to primary teaching.

You will hone skills and develop your knowledge, including transferrable skills in preparation for the dynamic workplace.

You will be directed towards different areas of the curriculum to work through.

Independent Project

This double module aims to provide a context in which you can broaden and deepen your knowledge and understanding of a chosen educational topic as well as the importance of teachers being research literate.

Areas of interest will be identified, developed and refined into a research project. During this process, you will be provided with guidance and support to raise awareness of different approaches to the investigation and presentation of your project.

School Experience 3

On this school placement, you will take on the responsibilities associated with being a class teacher.  You will plan, teach, evaluate, assess and monitor pupils’ progress in arrange of subjects.

You should plan, teach, evaluate and assess those foundation subjects not taught on their last school experience in Year 2.

You will be required to evaluate progress and set personal targets with the mentor.  You are expected to demonstrate a high level of competence, and by the end, independence in your practice.

You should be fully aware of the requirements of the national curriculum and EYFS, national assessment requirements and the characteristics of progression across year groups. In order to pass this module, you will be expected to demonstrate that they meet the Teachers’ Standards.

Subject Study 1: Enrichment

You will select a subject to focus on in greater depth from the following options: English, Social Justice Education (humanities), SEND, STEM, Physical Education. Early Years students will focus on the Advanced Study of Early Years as their subject.

This module will build on what you have already learnt about your subject from the compulsory modules of the programme. You will develop a deeper understanding of the ways that pedagogy and curriculum can be enriched through a critical understanding of contemporary, research-informed practice.

You will engage with current research reports, debates and good practice to explore specific aspects of their subject in doing so, reflect on how primary schooling can be enriched through this deeper understanding.

Subject Study 2: Promoting Best Principles

You will select a subject to focus on in greater depth from the following options:  English, Social Justice Education (humanities), SEND, STEM, Physical Education. Early Years students will focus on the Advanced Study of Early Years as their subject.

This module will build on what you have already learnt about your subject from the compulsory modules of the programme and the first semester subject study module. You will grow in confidence to become an advocate for the best principles of Early Years in primary schools.

You will critically reflect on your positionality as a teacher and explore the subject’s importance in primary schools. In so doing, you will consider where and how their area of interest fits into school frameworks and policy. Whilst this module is not about becoming a subject co-ordinator, the importance of leadership values and attributes will be explored through the context of the subject.

School Placements

Gain vital experience as you develop your confidence at the heart of Early Years and Key Stage 1 classrooms

We strongly believe in giving you a range of school placement opportunities to provide distinctive and rewarding experiences to help develop your professional skills.

You will progress from planning, teaching and managing the learning of a group of children for the core curriculum (Year One) to meeting the needs of a class of pupils in all curriculum areas (Year Three). You’ll get the opportunity to practise in a school early in the course.

These placements will usually provide distinctive opportunities in which to develop your professional and teaching skills.

In particular, efforts will be made to place you in schools with different organisational characteristics and in contrasting socio-economic catchment areas.

Teaching and Assessment

Innovative teaching methods that develop your full potential as a future teacher


We use strategies that are designed to enable you to effectively master a broad base of concepts, skills, knowledge and understanding that will inform your teaching practice.

You will join lectures and small seminars led by experienced tutors, in which discussion and debate are key to developing your knowledge and skills.

There are opportunities on campus for you to simulate real-world classrooms, allowing you to become more familiar, confident and comfortable in teaching spaces ahead of your professional placements.

All of our staff have a strong background within education and use their experience to inform their teaching, as they help your development into a professional and capable teacher.


Assessments include essays, presentations, 1:1 discussions, course work and the creation of creative stimuli.

Classroom Resources

Over 20,000 classroom resources available to use on placement

As a Primary Teaching with Early Years student, you will gain access to our dedicated library of teaching materials.

You can find thousands of classroom resources that you can borrow to use while on placement.

From posters to books, classroom kits to DVDs, our library of resources has options for all ages and needs.

You can take resources out for up to six weeks and can be taken on placement to aid with your teaching, or help you develop your skills and confidence within our classroom environments.


Discover dedicated facilities that help support your learning

Kayleigh Ann


Primary Teaching graduate
The University of Chichester has an inspiring group of lecturers who support you through the course. They are interested in developing students’ values and attitudes around education and they certainly allow you to develop your own philosophy for teaching. This helps prepare teachers for the profession, enabling them to think critically about the role and responsibility in shaping children’s lives and futures. The course provided me with the skills and knowledge I needed to be successful in my career. I am now the head teacher of an Infants Department in a British International School overseas in Kuwait. It has been wonderful to keep in contact with the University and I have been in the fortunate position of being able to recruit Chichester graduates as new teachers to my school. I know that teacher training through the University of Chichester is high quality and appreciated my own training experiences.

Study Abroad

Explore the opportunity to study part of your course abroad

As a student at the University of Chichester, you can explore opportunities to study abroad during your studies to enrich your educational experiences.

It’s a chance to broaden your horizons, a great opportunity to meet new people, undertake further travelling and to immerse yourself within a new culture.

You will be fully supported throughout the process to help find the right destination and institution for you and your course. We can take you through everything that you will need to consider, from visas to financial support, to ensure you get the best out of your time studying abroad.


Take the first steps towards your career within primary education

We expect that our Primary Teaching graduates will have a desire to pursue a career with an early years focus, with 98% of our graduates in employment or further study within 15 months of completing the course (Discover Uni 2021).

This course aims to ensure that you will be well placed to further your career in education through leading year groups and subjects, as well as joining senior leadership team.

Alumni have also progressed into headship, consultancy roles, initial teacher training lecturing and more.


Postgraduate pathways

  • MA Education
  • MA in Inclusive Special Education
  • PGCiPP: Workplace Learning Development.

Course Costs

Course Fees 2025/26

UK fee
International fee

EU/EEA Fee Reduction Scholarship

EU/EEA students automatically pay the equivalent of UK fees via the EU/EEA Fee Reduction Scholarship

For further details about fees, please see our Tuition Fees page.

For further details about international scholarships, please see our Scholarships page.

To find out about any additional costs on this course, please see our Additional Costs page.

Course specific costs

You will be required to have a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check costing £40 which needs to be paid for before the start of the course.


Entry Requirements

tariff points.
or better in English Language or Literature, Science and Maths.
A Levels
T Level
Merit (with C in the Core)
in Education and Early Years.
26-28 points
(with Higher mathematics at 5 and Standard English and a science at 4).
Access to HE Diploma
with at least 15 credits worth of level 3 units at Merit level.
including 7.0 in academic writing with other components no less than 6.5 – or equivalent qualification.
CACHE Technical Level 3
Grade B

Contextual offers

We believe everyone deserves an equal opportunity to pursue higher education, regardless of their background.

When we receive your application we consider your personal circumstances and the factors surrounding your achievements to see if you are eligible for a contextual offer. This is an offer with a reduced entry tariff – typically the equivalent of 16 fewer UCAS points (two A-level grades).

Find out more about our contextual offers.

  • We will consider applicants who are taking the relevant GCSEs whilst applying.
  • We would normally expect applicants to have taken and passed the full GCSE course, however in some circumstances we do accept equivalent qualifications or equivalency tests. Please note, however, that we are unable to accept Level 2 Functional Skills courses that do not cover the full breadth of a GCSE. If you are unable to enrol for the full GCSE course, please contact Admissions to discuss which equivalent qualification we may accept.

Interview and DBS

Secondary Teacher training applicants are required to have an enhanced Disclosure Barring Service check which needs to be paid for before the start of the course.

This course also requires you to attend an interview as part of the application process.

This gives our staff a chance to meet you, as well as giving you the opportunity for a campus tour and ask any questions you might have.

The interview is designed to assess the applicant’s suitability for the teaching profession, as well as academic ability.

All applicants will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of professional requirements and an awareness of current educational issues.

Cost incurred during placements

Over the duration of your course, you will spend a large proportion of time on placement in accordance with government policy.

These school experiences are organised in our partnership schools which extend across East & West Sussex, Hampshire and Isle of Wight and into Surrey.

Travel to placements, which can be by car or public transport, varies but your commute will not usually exceed an hour from your term-time address to the placement school (assuming your term-time address is within our partnership area).

Students may receive a contribution towards travel costs depending upon the distance.

Whilst on School Experience appropriate professional dress will be required.

Students may wish to purchase a laptop/tablet to use whilst on school experience as schools are not required to provide these.

A satisfactory occupational health assessment is required.


Frequently asked questions

How do I apply?

Click the ‘Apply now’ button to go to relevant UCAS page.

What are UCAS tariff points?

Many qualifications have a UCAS Tariff value. The score depends on the qualification, and the grade you achieved.

How do I know what my UCAS tariff points are?

Head to the UCAS Tariff Points web page where you can find a tariff points calculator that can tell you how much your qualification and grades are worth.

Our address

For visits

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