Tech Park

By bringing together science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics courses on one state-of-the-art site, we aim to produce graduates that have enterprise skills, creativity, technical knowledge and are equipped to enter the graduate workforce.

Tech Park, Bognor Regis Campus

Our Bognor Regis Campus boasts the £35m Tech Park which was opened by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

By bringing together science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics courses on one state-of-the-art site, we aim to produce graduates that have enterprise skills, creativity, technical knowledge and are equipped to enter the graduate workforce.

Our flagship Tech Park offers students access to world class facilities, including:

  • Double height space for delivering engineering design-build test experiences
  • Practical project-orientated engineering workshop and teaching facilities
  • Electronics, mechanics and fabrication laboratories
  • Specialist 3D printers and facilities to teach Computer Aided Design
  • Hands-on education spaces for partnerships with schools and colleges
  • 250 square-metre, three-storey high sound stage (one of only three in the UK capable of holding a professional orchestra)
  • Dedicated 75 square-metre green sound stage for motion capture and chroma work
  • Nine post-production edit suites, alongside our 'Soho' standard subbing and master suite
  • Screening theatre
  • Professional recording studios and live room
  • Mac and PC editing suites
  • Ideas labs and co-working spaces

Our funders

The Tech Park project on the University of Chichester’s Bognor Regis Campus is a social and economic development project that will link schools, colleges, local authorities and businesses to provide the next generation of STEM graduates.

We have received support from Rolls Royce Motor Cars, URT Group, Solartron, Inpress Plastics, Sony and Toshiba Medical and many other small and medium-sized enterprises in Bognor Regis and the surrounding areas, all of whom have a STEM skills shortage.

The funders of the Tech Park project include Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership.

Working with industry

Our industry partners tell us that an employable graduate is one who has applied industry experience, exposure to cutting-edge research, and is able to move and flex across the engineering, technology and creative areas.

As such, we work with industry to create an integrated approach to curriculum design and delivery and all of our courses include a balance of theory and practical work.

Our partners
Tech Park Partners

Our address

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