Sports Performance and Rehabilitation
Our Sport Performance and Rehabilitation Unit (SPRU) offers expert services and consultancy to everyone from international athletes through to recreational sportsmen and women.

We have a range of state-of-the-art facilities which include designated physiotherapy clinics, biomechanics and physiology laboratories, a video analysis suite, altitude and temperature chambers.
We also host a range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities which enable us to deliver cutting edge services and treatments tailored to meet your needs.
About the Sports Performance and Rehabilitation Unit
Introducing who we are and what we do
The Sport Performance and Rehabilitation Unit (SPRU) provides bespoke support to help maximise your performance, mental preparation, fuel your performance and your health and wellbeing.
We also operate a sports injuries clinic, and consultancy services and training courses to support sports coaches and managers.
SPRU comprises a team of over 20 consultants – many of whom are British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) accredited, British Psychological Society (BPS) chartered, Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC) registered or hold other specialist qualifications – and are experienced at working with athletes in a range of sports from grass roots to Olympic level.
The SPRU clinic houses an experienced team of Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists who have an established record of working with athletes of all levels, ranging from international athletes through to recreational sportsmen and women.
Improving Performance
Browse our services to help you explore, understand and enhance your sports performance.
Contact Us
Get in touch by emailing, call us on +44 (0)1243 816057, or tweet us at @SPRU_chiuni.
Explore our services
Sports Performance and Rehabilitation Unit
The University of Chichester’s Sport Performance and Rehabilitation Unit (SPRU) offers expert services and consultancy to everyone from international athletes through to recreational sportsmen and women.
SPRU's programme for enhancing performance includes support for mental preparation, fueling performance and health and wellbeing.
We also operate a sports injuries clinic, and consultancy services and training courses to support sports coaches and managers.
Adventure Education Consultancy
We are a very active team who are at the forefront of Academic and National Governing Body development.
As a result of our expertise we act as consultants to governing bodies such as the British Canoe Union and the Swimming Teachers Association.
We also act as outdoor centre inspectors and technical advisors.
Coaching Science Specialists
We also have Coaching Science specialists who are experienced coach educators, and have been involved in course delivery for governing bodies at regional and national level.
We are also involved in a programme of applied research – and seek to integrate our research into our work with clients where appropriate, ensuring that we are at the cutting edge in both service delivery, and in contributing to the knowledge base to support sustained World Class performance in sport in the UK.
Physical Education Short Courses and Consultancy
PE is one of the largest and most established departments in the University and benefits from having a breadth of expertise and experience amongst its staff, most of whom have held senior PE teaching posts in schools and advisory services.
Continued research in their field has enabled many colleagues to earn eminent reputations. These combined effects enable us to be able to respond to the national PE agenda and to work with teachers and support school-based projects in a bespoke way.
We are always pleased to work in partnership and/or provide short course/consultancy in areas that help schools to raise standards and support school improvement plans.
Get in Touch
Speak to us about your needs
If you would like to find out more of are unsure if are services are suitable for you, please get in touch.
Please fill in the form below. An appropriate member of our team will be in touch shortly to provide you with more information and let you know what we can provide, specifically for you.
Sport Performance and Rehabilitation Unit
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You can change your contact preferences or ask to be removed from our database at any time by emailing We will store your personal data for two years and it will then be securely deleted. If you need further information about how we keep your personal data safe please contact the Data Protection Officer at or visit our data protection web pages. If you wish to complain about any aspect of our information rights practice you may do so by contacting the Information Commissioner’s Office.
Cancellation policy: With any of our services we operate a cancellation policy and require at least 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend or wish to change your appointment. If this notice is not given, then you will still be charged for the full cost of the session.