Home People Kelly-Marie Aldridge

Kelly-Marie Aldridge

Associate Lecturer for Musical Theatre


Kelly graduated from King Alfreds University in 2006 with a BA Hons in Choreogrpahy , Dance and Performing Arts.  

Since university Kelly has taught dance, fitness and singing at private performance schools and choreographed professionally, as well as continuing to perform as lead vocalist in a Motown and Soul band.  As well as her performance and teaching career she has managed large scale events for a large company and completed a second degree in Business studies and Children and youth research. 


She has had the opportunity to travel to the USA on several occasions to train with: Speech Level Singing creator and vocal coach to the stars Seth Riggs in Los Angeles and with Greg Enriques in Las Vegas, and to attend the annual Zumba Fitness convention for the past two years in Orlando where she has developed her skills in world rhythms to share with her students- with the highlight of dancing with the creator of Zumba: Beto Perez. 

 Kelly has a passion for teaching and Musical theatre,  and continues to support her students to reach their potential.  

Other department members

Alastair Ross
Associate Lecturer & Vocal Coach
Andrew Wright
Andrew Wright
Programme Leader for Musical Theatre Performance/Senior Lecturer in Musical Theatre
Andy Rapps
Associate Lecturer in Music (Musical Theatre)

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