Dance Research Degrees

Dance PhD Study
Explore dance and movement
The Dance department has gained an international reputation in PhD studies through Practice as Research, and actively encourage applicants in this area of research practice.
Dance is part of a lively research culture which includes visiting artists contributing to regular research presentations, performances, installations and exhibitions and an ongoing Research Dialogues series.
There are reading groups and opportunities to develop through paper and performance presentations.
We encourage enquiries from potential applicants in Dance and Dance-related subjects in both traditional academic and practice-based research. Opportunities for interdisciplinary research are also available.
Supervision is offered by a strong, research-active team with a wide range of expertise, and includes academics and practitioner-scholars with international reputations.
Our Supervisors
Browse our staff and research specialisms
Most of these PhD projects are being undertaken using choreography or performance as a central research strategy.
Dr Yael Flexer
Postmodern choreography, dance analysis.
Dr Ben Francombe
BA (Hons), PhD
Solo performance, twentieth-century Irish theatre, post-colonial British theatre, politics of the British theatre system.
Dr Gemma Harman
BA (Hons), MSc, PhD
Investigating the phenomenon of dance and music performance through the experience of the performer
Dr Sarah Needham-Beck
BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD
Areas of dance science including exercise physiology, training, fitness, and workload monitoring.
Dr Laura Ritchie
The musical self and its perception, self-efficacy beliefs in musical learning and performing.
Dr Pete Phillips
Performance and sports culture, interactive live art and duo collaboration.
Dr Lucie Clements
BSc, MSc, PhD, CPsychol
Performance psychology, psychological interventions for enhancing dance performance, cognitive skills in dance e.g. memory and creativity.
Ian Homsby
BA (Hons), MPhil
Critical theory and its relation to art, philosophy and politics. Investigation of 'praxis' in relation to a dialogue between artistic practice and critical theory.
Dr Jonathan Little
B.Mus (Hons), Th.A., Ph
Instrumental and vocal compositions, orchestration in 19th and 20th century Music.
Our PhD Students
Meet our research degree students
Performing Arts Research
Explore our dance, theatre and performance as we explore topics including how performing benefits performers.