Creative Research Methods Lab

The Creative Research Methods Lab at the University of Chichester develops research and projects that support social justice, inclusion, and the wellness of individuals, groups, and communities.
We welcome members from PhD trainees through to Professors. Members of the group represent a range of academic disciplines and use a plurality of creative research methods. Cross-disciplinary and community collaboration is central to this group.
Key staff
Co-headed by:
- Dr Bruno De Oliveira
- Dr Karen Rodham
- Dr Daniel Connolly
The Centre will develop strong links with the Cross-University Qualitative Research Methods Group led by Dr Mel Day and Dr Karen Rodham.
- Cost of Living Crisis and well-being
- Presentation at 18th European Congress of Psychology Psychology: Uniting communities for a sustainable world has been accepted and funded by the Research and Innovation Fund, University of Chichester.
Teaching projects

A creative teaching project led by Rodham (2023) – The Impostor Syndrome Cape
Recent publications
- Clancy, L., Povey, R. & Rodham, K. (2018). Living in a foreign country: Experiences of staff-patient communication in in-patient stroke settings for people with post stroke aphasia and those supporting them. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42(3):324-334
- De Oliveira (2022b) Cost of living crisis: what research says about the potential psychological impact, The Conversation.
- De Oliveira, B. (2019). What if art and research could be used as a form of community dialogue, as a space for people with lived experience of homelessness to empower themselves? A reflection on unframed lives at the Brighton Fringe, UK. The Community Psychologist, 52(3), 59–61.
- De Oliveira, B. (2020a) We must act to decolonise Psychology in Standing Against Racism. The Psychologist, Vol.33 (pp.2-5).
- De Oliveira, B. (2020b), Unframed lives. The Psychologist, Vol.33, pp.68-69.
- De Oliveira, B. (2022a) A photo elicitation exploration on formally homeless people experiences with Universal Credit: System error and the government don't care'. Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 50, pp. 2458-2474.
- De Oliveira, B. (2022c), A festival of community psychology. The Psychologist.
- De Oliveira, B. (2022d), Shedding light on homelessness. The Psychologist, Vol.35, pp.6.
- De Oliveira, B. (2022e), ‘Visible subalternism’ and Ukraine. The Psychologist.
- De Oliveira, B. (2023), "Participatory action research as a research approach: advantages, limitations and criticisms", Qualitative Research Journal, Vol. Ahead-of-print.
- De Oliveira, B. British Medical Journal 2020; 369: m1557.
- De Oliveira, B. British Medical Journal 2021; 375: n2447.
- Kirtley, O.J., Rodham, K. & Crane, C. (2020) Understanding suicidal ideation and behaviour in individuals with chronic pain: A review of the role of novel transdiagnostic psychological factors, Lancet Psychiatry,
- Oliver, M., Rodham, K., Taylor, J. & McIver, C. (in press). Understanding the psychological and social influences on office workers taking breaks; a thematic analysis. Psychology & Health.
- Rodham, K. (2018). Health Psychology. (2nd edition) Palgrave Insights in Psychology. Red Globe Press. [part of a series of books edited by Holt, N. and Lewis, R. ] ISBN 978-1-352-00254-6
- Rodham, K. (2020). Self-Management for Persistent Pain: The Blame, Shame and Inflame Game? Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN 978-3-030-48969-4)
- Rodham, K. (2021). The pain self-management paradox: Why do we focus on the individual when life-context plays such a major role? Pain Management, 11(3),
- Smith, G. & Rodham, K. (2022) Supporting and sustaining care at home: experiences of adult daughters who support a parent with dementia to remain in their own home. Health & Social Care in the Community. 30(1):81-90. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13373. [NB Epub 2021 Apr 6.]
- Stenberg, N., Gillison, F. & Rodham, K. (2022) How do peer support interventions for the self-management of chronic pain, support basic psychological needs? A systematic review and framework synthesis using self-determination theory. Patient Education and Counselling, 105 (11), 3225-3234.
- Highly Commended De Oliveira, B. (2018) On the news today: challenging homelessness through participatory action research, HOUSING, CARE AND SUPPORT, Vol. 21(1) pp. 13-25. in the 2019 Emerald Literati Awards.
- Unframed Lives Project received certificate of achievement by the Festival of Learning supported by the Department for Education.