Home Life Careers and Employability Services for Graduates Verification of Chichester Degree Awards

Verification of Chichester degree awards

Degree verification process

How the verification process works and what data we use

Request for verification of awards by third-party organisations are now dealt with online via the Qualification Check Website. The Qualification Check solution allows enquirers to check academic qualifications in real time.

Qualification Check allows third parties such as employers, Universities and other agents to verify basic degree information about you.

These checks are commonly made if you register with an employment agency or are offered a job.  Qualification Check is an online, degree-verification service.

Its clients are able to verify qualifications at thousands of universities, colleges and professional bodies worldwide. Its privacy policy can be viewed via the web link above.

During such period as the University contracts with Qualification Check, the University will supply the following parts of your educational record to Qualification Check for the purposes of allowing third parties to verify information they have received from you:

  • Student number
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Course code/title
  • Year of registration
  • Year of graduation
  • Qualification
  • Award classification.

Our legal basis for processing your data for this purpose is public interest task, i.e. verification of qualification information you have provided to third parties, for example employment purposes, via Qualification Check’s real time, automated process.

You have the right to object to this processing and to do this please email examinations@chi.ac.uk providing specific reasons for your objection to the processing of your data.

These details may be held in the Qualification Check system for the duration of your expected working life or until such time as we end our contract with Qualification Check.

The online candidate verification service allows enquirers to input data provided by you. In real time, the service will check the information given against an encrypted dataset from the University’s student records system and verify it if it is matched.  In certain circumstances, i.e. where the information provided by the third party cannot be verified, the query will be referred to the University of Chichester’s Academic Registry for manual processing.

Staff at Qualification Check may need to access your data in order to handle enquiries made through the Qualification Check system.

If you wish to find out more about Qualification Check please contact: enquiries@qualificationcheck.com

Find out more about your rights as a data subject and how the University complies with data protection legislation.

Information for third party enquirers can be found at how to verify student qualifications.

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