Home Life Support, Health and Wellbeing Disability, Learning Difficulties and Medical Conditions

Disability, Learning Difficulties and Medical Conditions

The University of Chichester has comprehensive support services in place to meet the wide range of disabilities and medical conditions that students may have.

Students smiling in sun

It is important that you disclose your condition as early as possible in the application process. This will not impact the application process, but it allows us to agree what support you might need before you arrive.

Support Available

Explore our services

Learning and Exam Adjustments

Find out about some of the support options you can access during your assessments.

Adapted and Priority Accomodation

Find out what we do to meet your specific accommodation needs and explore our adapted rooms.

Funding Support

Learn about Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs) and how to access funding.

Specific Learning Difficulties

Find out how the Disability and Dyslexia Service and support your throughout your studies.

Physical Disabilites and Mobility Difficulties

Explore the support available for students with vision, hearing and mobility issues.


Explore the support available including a campus induction, priority accommodation and mentoring.

Mental Health

Discover our mental health services as you prepare for university life.

Disclosing Your Condition

Let us know your needs when you apply

When filling out your UCAS application form it is helpful if you indicate any disability, specific learning difficulty or medical condition.

You can disclose your condition in more detail on your ‘My application portal’ once you have applied. This will not slow or affect the application process; your application will continue to be assessed on academic suitability.

You may feel reluctant to reveal a disability or specific learning difficulty. Although this is understandable, we encourage you to provide as much relevant information as soon as possible as we cannot accept responsibility for any special provisions until we are informed. The advantage of discussing your requirements at application, or before, is that it allows you and the University to agree, at the earliest opportunity, what might be needed in order for you to study at Chichester and whether the facilities and services would meet your needs.

If you indicate on your application that you have a disability or specific learning difficulty this will not slow or affect the application process. Your application will continue to be assessed on academic suitability and you will be offered the opportunity to disclose your disability and support needs in greater detail using a secure online form via your ‘My application’ portal (log in details for this portal will be sent to you when your application is received). The Disability and Dyslexia Service will then get in touch with you to begin the process of assessing your support needs. In some cases, they may invite you for an informal visit to discuss your needs and to allow you to consider the accessibility of the campus.

If you apply during ‘Clearing’ in August, we advise you to contact the Disability Services team on disability@chi.ac.uk immediately. We need to point out that it may not be possible to arrange extensive support at such short notice.

The process for disclosing a condition and agreeing reasonable adjustments for teaching and learning, examinations, and support needed from the disability team is explained in Disclosure of Disability - University Processes.

Useful Links

Discover more support and resources

Medical Difficulties and Unseen Disabilities

Ongoing support throughout your studies

We provide confidential health service in the Health Centres on both campuses during normal office hours. We have two Nurse Health Advisers who share the role across the week.

Our Disability Coordinator can arrange various support for students with medical conditions.

There may be times when students with certain conditions require more help. Unseen disabilities such as arthritis, diabetes, HIV, epilepsy, M.E. and so on, can impact your ability to cope with the pressures associated with academic work, especially at examination time. The Disability Service can arrange for a wide range of adjustments to examinations to assist students with medical conditions.

These adjustments may include: extra time, rest breaks, scribes, special equipment and other support. You will need to meet with the Disability Coordinator to discuss our needs in advance of your assessments.

For further information on support, please contact the Disability Coordinator on 01243 812076, or email disability@chi.ac.uk.

To contact the Health Centre (term time only) please ring 01243 816111 or email studenthealth@chi.ac.uk.

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